Wrapped up in the blanket of sin,
You look up to the Moon
To shed its glory on Mankind.
To lighten the heart and mind.
But doors of Benign Divine
Are shut for modern man.
The jungle man has returned to hunt
His fellow beings to carry their heads
As trophy to display the skulls
And bones, oblivious of Divine wrath.
Mercy wallowing and shedding tears.

From the blistering desert arose a Prophet
With resounding voice reaching eternity
To change the path of civilizations
With truth on his lips always ever,
Practicing trustfulness,
Keeping up his promises
To create a just society with law and order
With purity of life, soul, mind and heart
To lay down life with sacrifice to Lord
Of Mercy, Compassion and Grace
To ever remain virtuous and prayerful.
To change the character of Mankind.
To the ways of God to ever remain
Obedient to Him and be Peaceful.

Now can humanity look up
To a Messiah to relieve its burden
To achieve peace and tranquility.

Below the dormant sibling or friendly
Relationship lies a sleepy deadly
Venomous snake with fangs deep,
Simmering to wake up at any moment
To strike a benign and kind soul;
To bring to an end a life long mingling
Of loyal, thick and thin relationship.
To bring a shock to every one.
Septicemia or viral infection
Or food poisoning
Or sudden heart seizure
Can put an end to a blooming
And charming life with happy times.
So also break of deadly cancer,
Sudden road accidents.

You call it ‘Karma’, fate
Divine retribution;
You look askance at the Divine;
Puzzled unable to know
The wisdom of the Super Wise.
What wrong they had done
To be smoked out
From the midst of loved ones.
To create a vacuum, a deadly
Silence, for grief to flow
In the veins of near and dear.
Destiny has a unique way
To play its part to move
The wheels of life on the
Chequered board of snake
And ladder, on chess board
Of mysterious and wonderful life.

Establish Peace