Scattered Gems

Dedicated to all my friends and Poets

Isn’t Simplicity Divinity profound?
In it is sincerity found.
Shining Truth radiates its glory;
Its lustrous light tells its own story.

It admits not an iota of lie;
It lets not calmness ever die,
It gives Tranquility its due,
And patience is its main virtue.

Profound it is in goodness,
And quick in its forgiveness.
Steady and straight is its path,
Its thoughts, in purity take a bath.

All promises made, it keeps up,
With knowledge it fills its cup.
Simplicity is humble and modest
But never bows to pride’s behest.

It always remains without fear
To everyone it’s always dear.


I am presenting to my readers my third selection of poetry from my fifteen poetry books comprising of 1275 poems, 722 Haiku, 107 Tanka, 87 Quatrains and 47 short verses. The works are In Golden Times, 2000 (Holi Bhubaneswar), In Golden Moments, 2001 (Bizz Buzz Bangalore), A Ray of Light, 2002 (Bizz buzz), A Search From Within, 2002 (Holi), In Silent Moments, 2002 (Holi), A Call from the Unknown, 2003 (Bizz Buzz), New Frontiers, 2005 (Holi), Fountains of Hopes, 2006 (Bizz Buzz), In Rare Moments, 2007 (Bizz Buzz), In Sacred Moments, 2008 (Bizz Buzz), Glittering Love, 2009 (Bizz Buzz), Garden of Bliss, 2011(Bizz Buzz), Eternal Quest, 2014 (Bizz Buzz), Evergreen Pastures (Authorspress), this was collection from all works, so also Perfumed Garden of Love (Authorspress).

It is difficult for me to select and make choice of poems for this collection also as all poems are from my point of view requires merit and selection. In Scattered Gems, there are 335 poems including Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains and short verse. I pray in future some scholar will be able to make a better
choice for future publication. I hope and pray my work will be relished by readers, academics and scholars alike.



Here I am presenting my third selection from the collection of my poetry. My poetry as described by many of the reviewers has assumed different dimension.

Dr. Krishna Srinivas Editor-in-Chief of Poet, in his foreword to my work In Golden Times had this to say:

Like Blake, Peeran sees the world in a grain of sand and
eternity in an hour. An administrator lisping in numbers may sound strange but Muse in Peeran has blossomed into many splendored
exuberance in this collection of poems – In Golden Times. Every moment of Time is a mountain. Invisible, magical realities beyond our senses float out of the unconscious, when the boundaries between the self and world are crossed. It opens expanded moments. The poet dives into these moments – one with nature, its darkness and mystery. Thus poems gleam as magical chalices, reality winking at the brim. Here in this collection, there is a self discovery new ground to liberate emotions”.

Dr. Krishna Srinivas Editor-in-Chief of Poet

And further penned:

He writes HAIKU and TANKA with illumined vision. There is inner vibrancy, a matchless verbal incantation in his lyrics! They gleam as flames, intense and fine. They have visible brilliance. They have deep poignancy. And there is passionate naturalness in all he writes

Patricia Prime concluded her review of Glittering Love:

I am delighted to declare that this is an excellent collection of poems. Peeran is a hugely skilful wordsmith, and his careful technique always creates meaning. His language is of such freshness and richness of allusion that one willingly makes the effort to untangle the complex
connotation of a line or phrase. It is exciting to see a poet walk this line, exhibiting as he does a vigor and freshness of imagination that delights the heart and lifts the spirit.

Patricia Prime



Life is a bloody battlefield.
Fight when you should with all force.
Broker peace when you must.
Lie low when the tides are high.

Quran is crystal clear reasonableness.
Not magic chicanery to win hearts.
With darkness, deaf ears, blind eyes.
Knowledge is a prism to throw rainbow colors.